
Our committee met with our professors in the morning to prepare for tomorrow's moot court. The afternoon was free and I knew exactly what I wanted to do--go to the Limmat pool. The River Limmat flows from Lake Zurich to parts northwest. At one point, part of the river is diverted into a broad canal where swimmers are welcome. Jump off the bridge over the canal, jump off the concrete wall along side of it--just jump. It has a fairly strong current, so not much effort is needed to go maybe a fifth of a mile down to the next bridge, where there are ladders to get out.

This is stolen from the internet and is taken at the end of the run, where there are bathing decks.

I floated down the river three times after lunch and twice later in the day. Leave it to the Swiss to create something so fun, so clean, so refreshing, so well engineered. You can turn and swim against the current; if you swim hard enough, you will actually move upstream. I think if I lived here, I'd be a competitive swimmer. Swimming in pools is boring, swimming in the ocean freaks me out a bit, but swimming in this pseudo-river was like heaven--cool, clean water with a choice of a workout or recreation. I wonder if they could do this with the Lagan?