
Reentry has been tough. The fun part of my job--editing reports, papers, articles--has a down side, I've learned. While the designer creates a pdf of, say, a 40 page paper, the editors create a web version of the paper. This involves coding--the horror! Inserting bits of html code to create accordions (sections of content that expand or contract),  or to assign colours to different elements, or to create rollover footnote pop ups, and so on. I'm also struggling with developing schedules and importing them into the project management software.

The good news is I've been down this road before. Every job I've had has required me to  assume duties outside my comfort zone and every time I get there--eventually.

The day I came home from Wales, my friend Eddis was at the house. I had asked her to check on Paddy because David left for Sligo the day I returned. Eddis brought me a tray of potato gratin, a bag of veg, a chocolate Swiss roll, and a bouquet of flowers. How is that for a good friend? This photo shows the flowers and a box of fruit and veg I ordered from Moo to You, a local farm.

The weekend I got back I went swimming at Helen's Bay--delicious. The past week has included:

Round of golf on Tuesday with yet another lovely lady golfer--Shandon is crawling with them.

After-work walk at Redburn Park on Wednesday with my friend Chris and her dog.

After-work walk at Stormon on Thursday with Marek, giving us a chance to catch up on his trip to Poland and mine to Wales.

After-work walk at Minnowburn on Friday, giving Paddy a chance to paddle in the Lagan. I also went to Shandon and practiced at the chip and putt area then played holes 1 and 18. Which was really fun. Playing 12 or 18 holes is a big commitment, but two holes is like putt putt golf--entertaining.

July 9