
Since I can't run yet, due to rib issues, I'm cycling a few times a week. I've taken the Comber Greenway twice now, heading for Daft Eddy's, about an hour's ride. So far I've made it only 45 minutes each way. That's enough. What I love about this ride is all the gorse blooming on the greenway.

It smells a bit like coconuts and a bit like pineapple--so a pina colada basically. On either side of the greenway are fields, some of which have recently been ploughed. Manure smells cut through the cocktail smells sometimes. I also love patchwork fields and that landscape is brought into relief when some fields are green, some yellow (rapeseed), and some fudgey brown, I find this bewitching.

I was actually singing Bewitched, bothered and bewildered as I cycled--I love a good Cole Porter song. The ploughed fields make me think of corduroy and of chocolate icing on brownies that's been raked with a fork.

I'm mesmerized by how the shades of brown change as clouds skim overhead casting moving shadows, and by how the furrow patterns shift as the fields undulate. Also big colour differences between recently ploughed fields and those ploughed a few days ago.

Sometimes I think I should have been a farmer. I have never shied from hard physical work and I love the outdoors. I think a lot of people have that dream until they try it!!

Late April/early May