
I work on a team of four editors, one of who saw the film Belfast and decided she needed to visit. Here are Rachael and myself in the Cathedral Quarter--a pedestrianized area full of restaurants and pubs.

I think we hit six pubs over two nights. Duke of York, Henry's, The Spaniard, The Harp Bar, The Crown and the Sunflower Bar. The scene below was enhanced by live music--a guy with a fiddle playing popular songs that we all sang along to. Including:

She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Belfast city
She is a-courting one, two, three
Pray, can you tell me who is she?

She loved Belfast--who wouldn't? And she even met a guy who looked like Jamie Dornan, which was her goal. I told her not to get her hopes up, but what do I know. She toured the Titanic Museum on Friday while I worked. On Friday night we went to a night club called the Limelight to see a Turkish/English singer a friend recommended. I'd never been to the famous Limelight, so this was exciting  for me. Saturday included a long walk on the coast, after more exploration of Belfast city centre. Sunday's highlight was a tour of the art murals in the city, including this one.  

The guy giving the tour for many years ran Hit the North, in which muralists from around the world were invited to Belfast and given a wall to paint. He said he created Hit the North because he wanted art on the city walls to feature something other than terrorirsts in balaclavas recruiting men to their cause. Fair play.

March 10-13