Queen’s tours

The girls took two tours of Queen’s, a subject tour (chemistry for Maisie, archaeology for Ella) and then a campus tour. My job was to get them to the right places at the right times and collect them in time to get them to the airport for their 4 pm flight. Queen’s being Queen’s, I had to go to three places to find out where the campus tour met, then I texted the girls, with a place and time to meet to leave for the airport. By the time I got home, I was exhausted. I’ve had a lot of visitors in the past week (necessitating much cleaning of my construction site and laundry) and I sort of crumpled when I got home. I looked at Facebook and got so depressed about the election that I didn’t go to choir practice. It’s hard to sing when your heart is heavy.

The good news is it’s Lewis week on ITV. Lewis is a detective series and I like it so much that I’m known to watch reruns, which I did tonight. Brain dead. Other good news is there’s a good chance Maisie and Ella will go to Queen’s. They really enjoyed their visit and I would love nothing more than to have Maisie in my orbit to spoil. She’s a lovely young woman--I’m sorry I didn’t get a photo of them. I’m always a bit nervous when I’m entertaining (are they bored? are they hungry? am I asking them too many questions?). I stayed in constant motion and didn’t chill enough to think of a photo.