Last week in London I heard a speaker from PriceWaterhouse Coopers. He’s in the sustainability and climate change division and he’s doing some very interesting work around the globe. I stupidly didn’t talk to him during the social hour--there was always someone else talking to him and I’m useless at butting in on other people’s conversations. So yesterday I went to a careers fair at Queen’s sponsored by PwC. I asked one of their representatives if she could put me in touch with the sustainability team in London and she told me to go to PwC’s website and send an e-mail. Thanks a lot, lady. Two-hour round trip for that (Queen’s isn’t that far but if you walk 12 minutes to the bus, take a 25-minute bus, and walk 20 minutes to Queen’s, it’s an investment).

I made the trip more worthwhile by also going to the centre for refugees and asylum seekers. I enter data there for about two hours a week. As I walked around Belfast, I took some photos at the gasworks complex.

Belfast would have had gas-powered street lamps and residential lighting in the late 1800s/early 1900s. So the gasworks was a big deal. This is only part of it.
