Pure Derry

I spent the day with Julie, walking the dogs, eating her yummy porridge, doing a bit of shopping down the town. Then I got on the 4 pm bus to Belfast.
I’d paid my 21 pound roundtrip fare for the bus so you’d think I’d stay the weekend. What I learned from shingles, however, is that if you are busy during the week and then you are away multiple weekends in a row, there can be consequences (I was in Portrush and Derry last weekend and London the week before--similar to my pre-shingles schedule). I had planned to see Mrs. Walker and Henrietta again on this trip, however Mrs. Walker was having a bad day so a visit wasn’t in the cards. I was happy to get on the bus and relax on the way back to Belfast. The sun was setting as I left town so I took this photo of Derry from the new bridge.
