Puppy love

OMG he is such a bundle of energy. When you try to fold clothes, he jumps up and bites the legs of the trousers and the arms of the tops. When you try to pick up poo, he’s bouncing around your hands--and stepping in the poo. When you sit still, he chews on your shoelaces (chew laces) and the heels of your shoes. I have a long scarf on today and he jumps up and grabs that whenever I bend over to pet him.

The really good news is, when I went to buy chews at the pet store--they are made of vegetables!! I really didn’t want to buy animal parts, which is what I remember chews being made of.

Most of the day, he has been beside himself with excitement if I am anywhere near. Tonight, it’s caught up with him:

Me too. I got up at 6 am so I could let him out of the crate early. It’s 7:30 pm and I’d like to go to bed, however I need to let him out late at night so he’ll be OK in the crate all night. I feel like I’m getting yet another cold, but I may just be worn down. PRI papers have been stressful. Making a puppy decision has been stressful. I swam for 20 minutes then played 18 holes of golf on Tuesday and played nine holes on Wednesday. I’m hoping a good night’s sleep will rejuvenate me as I have to keep up with this little bundle of joy.

David’s away to the states today for nine days so I’m a solo parent. He has two grandkids! He will be kept busy as well.
November 2