
I'm allowing myself a weekend update, given that I don't do much in the way of research on the weekends.

Yesterday we walked in Belfast's 25th annual Pride parade. It was far more tasteful and G-rated than any I'd been to in the U.S. We marched with All Souls Church--one of 54 organisations marching and the ONLY faith-based group. Our minister, Rev. Chris Hudson, had his clerical collar on and our group got a loud and joyful welcome from the crowd. Neither the Catholic nor the majority Presbyterian churches are welcoming of the GLBT community, so it was the rare affirmation from people of faith.

Then today our church had its annual Pride service and the place was packed. Again, a joyful celebration, but also solemn. The tone was one of admonishment of religious leaders in Northern Ireland who are turning people away from religion because of their intolerance and divisiveness. We also were blessed with the talents of Quire--Belfast's gay choir. They sang Cohen's Hallelujah and the harmonies were exquisite. I feel very fortunate to be part of such a wonderful community led by a Unitarian minister with an inclusive and hopeful vision.