PRI in Person, Part 4

Today our last meeting ended at 3:30 p.m. I went back to my hotel and thought about just chilling, reading a book, enjoying solitude. But I convinced myself that it would be a shame to let my introvert win when Paris was literally at my feet. So I took the metro  and walked around for three hours. I saw:

Hotel de Ville.

From another angle:

And Notre Dame:

And then I walked around Le Marais, a lovely old part of the city. I walked back and forth around a few quintessentially French corner cafes, looking for somewhere to rest my weary feet and have a nice meal. It was a lovely day so I wanted to eat outside, however so many people smoked! I was not interested in eating next to smokers. I ended up at a falafel place with zero charm, but had an amzaing platter of middle eastern food.

It was design week in Paris. I didn't have time to go to any shows, however came across this interesting courtyard.

I also came upon a dog park with real dogs. I sat and watched them for a few minutes, missing my Paddy. Below is Place de Vosges, which is surrounded by iinteresting art galleries.

I also saw these babies in a shop dedicated to Russian iconography.

And chocolate shoes.

I was home by 9 pm and enjoyed an early night.

Sept. 12