Pre-trip pressure

Tuesday through Thursday have been all about work (and Paddy). Lots going on. I leave tomorrow for a five-day hiking holiday in Wales, followed by two nights in London for work. I need to pack and do 100 other things before I leave  (fix the eyeglasses that Paddy chewed so I can drive at night; buy eyedrops; get cash out to pay the dog sitter; on and on).

Wednesday was Lyra's funeral. Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn, Leo Varadkar, Michael D. Higgins all in attendance. The priest scolded Northern Ireland politicians for failiing to get the government up and running for the past two years--he got a standing ovation. I read an analysis that the UDA and UVF are the reason for gridlock. The nationalists wanted an Irish language act and the Protestant paramilitaries wouldn't allow the DUP to sign up to a watered down version of the act. The commentator pointed out that the focus on the New IRA, which shot Lyra, misses the point that it's the loyalist  paramilitaries that have political power--and evangelical churches, I would add.

Two other interesting events this week. I had a brainstorming session with a Queen's professor about funding a low-carbon transition in N.I. Another brainstorming session with a young woman who wants to transition from a career in banking to one in the green economy, specifically working on a just transition in farming. I gave her lots of ideas and contacts. Helping a young person find her way is a balm to my soul, after losing Lyra and her world of potential.

April 23-25