Pre Travel

Monday: Take boxes to The Larder from me and a neighbour. Putting me a wee bit behind at work. In the evening, book a car to get me from Parkersburg back to Washington, buy car insurance for the rental car and travel/health insurance for three week trip to America. Wrap presents.

Tuesday: Play in the annual Turkey Competition. Here's the hat I bought on Saturday.

Here are some golfing elves.

I played well, 18 points over 9 holes. And really enjoyed the outing. I worked in the afternoon, falling further behind. Then went into town to meet with a solicitor on paperwork.

Weds-Fri I buckled down and got a lot of work done. Multiple papers moving through the system right now. I'm very well versed ATM on approaches to implementing ESG factors in municipal bond selection; human rights considerations in sovereign bond investments; and climate risk reporting for investor portfolios. The last thing I tried to do on Friday was create accordions (working in html). I figured that 2022 would have to begin with that chore b/c my brain just wasn't having it today.

Friday night I was meant to be at a year-end awards dinner at Shandon. Five of my 8-person table canceled. The other two suggested we get a take out and go to one of their homes. Which is what we did. I was looking forward to the dinner yet knew it wasn't a great idea, pre travel. So enjoyed an evening with Trish and Chris.

Saturday the usual Stormont dog walk with coffee and scones. Some of our group do the weekly 5K and most walk with the dogs. Here's the group:

I'm not in it because I was on to my next appointment, a noon lateral flow test. Probably the busiest shopping day of the year and I'm in the city for a test I could do at home. However I enjoyed seeing rowers on the Lagan.

Hair appointment at 1pm then visited my friend Ann for a gift exchange and catch up. Then home to write Christmas cards, pack, deliver Christmas cards, clean the house, prepare for the dog sitter, book a taxi for the morning. I had a neighbour print one of the four documents I need to travel, hoping the rest are OK to provide electronically.

It's been an exhausting week, exacerbated by stress over travel. My lateral flow test result came back negative. However, the guy who filled out my test certificate entered my birthday as April 27, 2021. I had downloaded the VeriFly app and today was the day to upload the test result, fill out attestation that my test was negative, and Covid vaccine proof. The app rejected the test result because I wasn't born this year. I called Aer Lingus and waited 1 hour, 8 minutes for someone to answer while THE MOST annoying music played on the phone. I could barely understand the woman who answered the phone. Phillippines? Upshot was she told me to bring my birth certificate.

I went to bed not entirely sure I have all the ducks in a row, but I've done my best under a confusing regime. I remember when my only concern (still a concern) was whether my luggage is the right size. Those were the days.

Monday 13th to Saturday 18th.