
We left off on Wednesday 21st Feb, when I was going to try to stay in. Haha. A friend invited me to a golf show at the Europa Wednesday night, where we picked up brochures from lots of golf courses in Ireland and entered to win rounds. We ended up with vouchers for three fourballs at Bundoran Golf Course in Donegal. Then drinks after.

Thursday night was dinner with Eddis and Patricia – always the best of craic. Friday night I saw Altan in concert at the Empire – brilliant. The lead fiddler and her husband are from Donegal. She was just amazing and I also really liked the accordion player's style. He played some very tender songs, something I'm not used to on the accordion. The kind where you find yourself holding your breath.

Saturday took the bus to Derry after Catherine collected Paddy for an overnight. I had dinner at Julie's and we went to a concert featuring her sister in a choir called Encore. Next day a nice long walk & talk with Julie, then a visit with Mary then the bus home, during which I listened to many episodes of The Rest is Politics, an interesting podcast featuring a former Labour and a former Tory politician.

Sunday night I saw the Bothy Band – making its first appearance together in 45 years. All the members had gone off to form their own bands so hadn't played together. It was a magical (and sold out) evening in the massive Waterfront Hall. As it was my ninth night out in a row, I was a bit knackered but the music lifted me. The opening act, Jack Warnock of Maghera, was very talented and will be chased up if I don't forget.

Mon-Thurs of this week was really focused on getting my act together vis a vis two trips, Friday departure for Portugal for a week (cycling and hiking with Dara) and 18 March departure for Spain (golf with Patricia). Travel involves a lot of tech, bad news for someone like me who didn't get the tech gene. Bus tickets, plane tickets, vacation rentals – lots of tech admin. My neighbour had to help me with my Revolut card and my Ryanair check in.

I was also sorting out payments to the three people who will take care of Paddy while I'm gone. And getting the house clean and ready for a house sitter. And two visits to a sporting goods store for supplies. And visits to a dentist, a doctor and a lawyer – literally all in one week. Work has been slow (thankfully!) so I am sorting out long-neglected health issues and my will.

It is strange to have two European holidays in one month after none since I first moved here in 2014 (when David and I visited Greece and the Algarve). One reason for the lack of travel is I'm not good with logistics (for example using public transit in non-English speaking countries and finding a decent place to stay). I also haven't had the money. The move from the US took a massive chunk of savings. Then I had to save up to buy out David's share of the house (an even more massive chunk). After that I started my trips to England/Scotland/Wales. By now I thought I'd be able to go further afield but last year's extension took yet another chunk of savings. These two trips, with two boon companions, are much more affordable than what I could do on my own. So off I trot. Very excited by the prospect.

It is Friday 1 March and I am on a bus to Dublin. I'm catching a 4pm flight to Lisbon, where I will endeavor to find the 705 bus to Areeiro then walk to the Metro, which will take me to Baixa Chiado, from where I will walk east (as if I know what east is!!!) to the apartment Dara has rented. Wish me luck!

22 Feb to 1 March