Pre-Halloween Party

We live in a row of four townhouses. At one end are Amy, Kevin, Milo and Charlie. Amy and Kevin are each nurturing a small business (hers is nut butters, his is video games). Milo is a little boy bundle of soccer energy and Charlie is a girl with a free spirit who is creative, like her parents, and pensive.

On the other side of our townhouse is an empty townhouse; its owner is in a nursing home. At the far end is a townhouse lived in half the year by a retired couple. She's from here and he's from America. They just returned to Florida for the winter.

The row of townhouses is fronted by a wide drive connecting a busy road to a large house. Opposite the row of townhouses is a fence with a stream on the other side.

So Amy & Kevin had a Halloween Party today, to which flocked maybe 25 children and maybe 35-40 adults.

Here's the block party:

And here's me behind a pumpkin with "vomit" made out of hummus, sweet potato and curry powder. It was disturbingly tasty.

We met a couple from California who are here for six months to work on Game of Thrones.

Kevin organized dunking for apples, pumpkin carving, and wrapping people with toilet paper. It was all great fun.