Pound of flesh

Traveling in the winter has its risks. Like 652 flights cancelled at Newark NJ today, which was on my route from Columbus to Dublin. So I booked a room at the Day’s Inn--same place I stayed on Jan. 23. This time my room was more down market. I got locked into the first room I was given. The deadbolt wouldn’t open. It took two maintenance men a half hour to let me out. The hotel room phone didn’t work, so I Skype called the front desk to be sprung from the room and to order pizza (no restaurant at the hotel). The wall heater was really loud so I mostly stayed under the covers with the heat off (it was -8F in Columubs that night). Still, you can’t ask for much for $81.

I felt sorry for the people who worked there. They seemed bored and dispirited. When I shopped at the mall in my mom’s town, I had the same feeling. People in dead end jobs that they hated. There wasn’t much business at the mall, so employees stood around and chatted. They looked lonely in these cavernous, empty stores. Is it the internet that is killing malls? Discount stores? The only down jackets at the mall I liked were in the $100-$150 range. I ended up getting one for less than $50 at TJ Maxx, so I guess I’m part of the problem.