Poor David

David moved to the U.S. in the 1980s during the reign of Margaret Thatcher, whom he despised. He felt the Tories ruined everything that was good about Great Britain. One way to understand this is to understand how much he loves trains. Thatcher dismantled the British rail system and sold its remnants off to off to her buddies, Putin-style. Many Brits haven't forgiven her for that. The train systems were largely sold off again (at a handsome profit for Maggie's friends) to foreign rail systems. So British people now pay very high fares that go to foreign companies.

Same deal with council housing (public housing that is pretty decent compared to its American counterpart). Thatcher sold it off to residents (remember, she was all "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" like Ronnie). Sort of like the rail oligarchs, the new homeowners sold their houses to property investors during a housing bubble. The property investors (who probably used to own the rail lines) then jacked up the rents, causing a low-income housing shortage that persists today. So assets that used to be British are now owned by rentiers (i.e. people who live off income from an asset without contributing to society).

The Conservatives' big win yesterday has been hard on David. The party was not expected to win an outright majority. The only silver lining is that the MPs elected from the Democratic Unionist Party (the lunatics running Stormont) will not be needed to form a coalition government in London. Their plan was to extort as much money from London as they possibly could if the Tories needed them. People in England are fed up underwriting Ulster, so I wasn't that impressed with their one-plank platform, a plank they will now be walking into icy waters.