Pontius Pilate and the Naildrivers

I spent the day in Derry with an old school friend, Amanda, her brother and his wife, and a friend of hers from England. The highlight was hearing the above band, which is a ska band that does covers of Madness, the Specials, the Beat, and so on. Really really good band. I love me some horns in a band and these guys had some serious brass. We also encountered a brass band walking around the streets playing great music. Derry is in fine form today, with music in all the pubs and hotels.

I got to Julie’s for dinner around 6 pm, with the idea that I’d go back out--with my choice of at least eight establishments. However, I decided to quit while I was ahead. This triggers my “I’m missing out” panic, however I let the introvert win and didn’t force myself back out into the crowds.