Place Fell

As I said, option 2 today, eight miles, 2200 feet of ascent. We had a bright sunny day all day, so I couldn't resist a morning shot from the back terrace.  

We took a coach ride through the farms and glens leading to Ullswater. The views on the ride were spectacular, but no chance to stop for a photo. If I ever come back here, I will explore this area again. We hiked up from Glenridding, which is maybe a mile below this farmhouse.

Trip descrip: "Make the moderately steep ascent to the top of Place Fell that commands an excellent view at the head of Ullswater. We descend to follow the attractive lakeside path to Glenridding. Highlight: Ullswater is one of the area's most attractive lakes. You'll enjoy great views towards Helvellyn and the North Pennines."

Because it was sunny all day, we enjoyed views in every direction.

Including from the peak of Place Fell.

Lunch next to another sheep fold.

We came upon this cabin that seemed to rise out of the stone wall.

Here's a photo through the window in the cabin.

On the lower descent we walked along the very long Ullswater lake. Lots of boats being picturesque.

I should say that when you walk with 10 people, you often don't have time to compose your shots, you have to keep up. so a lot of my shots are rushed.

I haven't said much about my fellow hikers. Aside from the six Australians and one Dutch woman, I've met people from Perth, Edinburgh, Thirsk, Leeds, Cardiff, London and Norfolk. I've tried to organise those names north to south but not sure I have them all right. I've met a postman, a pediatric nutritionist, a Financial Times journalist, a civil engineer, a primary school principle, and a tax collector. All retired. That's why they're all in better shape than me.

At the end of today's hike we enjoyed a pint at the Inn at the Lake. Also a wedding there – ladies in their fascinators. We didn't quite fit in.

This was my last hike in the northern lakes. Tomorrow I head south to Coniston. HF did seem to keep the best for last.

July 13