Pillow time

Covered a lot of ground today. S.D. Bell Tea Merchant for breakfast; a stop at the Irish craft shop in the cute village of Crawfordsburn; tea and cake with Hillary, where we got to enjoy her seaside view and the coming and going of sailboats; a walk around the walled garden next to Bangor Castle; an exorbitant amount of time at Laura Ashley selecting pillows for the living room; a quick trip to Marks & Spencer for dinner then home. More importantly:

More gardens!

There were 20-plus art installations in the garden. I hope to go back this weekend with David for a second look.

I actually did a paper last semester on walled gardens and how they represented the tenuous position of the English in Ireland.

We finished the evening next door at Michael and Faye's, where we got to hear about Faye's attempts to calm the waters at her school, which is being consolidated into another East Belfast school. Lots of angry parents. She is such a sweet and kind person it is hard to think of anyone being angry with her.