Picturesque pup

When I'm bored at work--often--I take a minute to photograph my gorgeous dog, who often is imploring me to throw his ball.

Or lounging in the spot I thought would be my favourite nook in the house.

He came in one day with a forget me not on his ear. So then I tried to create an enhanced version of the cuteness.

He wasn't very cooperative so my forget me not crown wasn't what it could be.

One weekend I took him up Cregagh Glen to Linsabreeny--a lane through fields. The cows saw us go by on the way up the hill; on the way back down they gathered to have a look. Cows are very curious creatures. Paddy wasn't well pleased and barked and barked at them--but they didn't budge.

A dog can be shot for "worrying" sheep or cows. What if cows worry your dog? Of course the cows aren't long for this world due to our meat eating habits. I apologized to them on behalf of the human race. And told them to enjoy the short life they have been allotted. Poor critters.

Late May