Photographic evidence

One more photo from Derry.

I noticed on Facebook last weekend that Moira’s photos were brighter than mine. She was using her phone while I was using a digital camera. I had her take a photo of me with my phone and, sure enough, it’s brighter than the photos my camera took. I have no idea why. The phone photos look more accurate to me. So that means almost all the photos on this blog are a bit more grey than the original view.

Hmm. I guess I need to learn how to use my phone camera? Ronnie had a silly hat on the boat and I couldn’t resist wearing it. I’m pretty sure I had a similar hat, with ribbon streamers, when I was a wee lass. And matching kilt, as I recall.

One more photo fact: I took 67 photos at the maritime festival and posted only 17. So I try to share only the best of the best.