Photo finish

At some point months ago, I documented the transformation of the hall from an icky beige to a bright yellow. To complete the look, I wanted to have a gallery of photos all in black frames. I got off to a good start in February when my mom gave me a lot of photos of the Casey clan--my mom was one of ten children. My grandfather was a politician in Atlantic City and the photos tell the story of a glamorous life. Think of the Kennedys transplanted to southern New Jersey.

Anyway, I’ve recently tried to get serious about finishing the gallery, which requires me to go through all my photos and pick the very best ones to put on the wall. This job is much bigger than I expected. I’ve been through maybe 2,000 photos by now. I have three or four cards for a digital camera. I have five CDs. I have two old suitcases full of printed photos.

I’ve created a folder on this MacBook for the photos I’ve transferred from the digital camera cards. I have a folder on David’s computer for the photos taken from the CDs (I don’t have a CD drawer). And I have a stack of my favourite printed photos. After I’ve picked my favourite 100 or so, I have to figure out how many photos will fit in the gallery of photos and narrow my 100 down to that number. I’ll get prints as necessary and get the right number and size of frames. No sweat.

Here, very randomly, is a photo from the file on this computer. Taken in 2013 during a bike ride along Cape Cod during which I stopped to admire a cranberry bog.
