Paternoster Square

I’m not going to bore you with the four hours of presentations or the hour of green awards. Instead, here’s a green bus I saw on the way to the conference:

Here’s a sculpture near St. Paul’s Cathedral.

The conference was held at the London Stock Exchange, which is in Paternoster Square, which is next to St. Paul’s. This is Paternoster Column.

I got to London really early, went to my AirBnB near Waterloo Station to make sure I knew where it was and how to get in when I returned late at night (I couldn’t check in until 3 and my conference started at 2, so there were logistical issues). Then I walked to the conference and made sure I knew the most efficient way to walk back to the BnB.
Anyway, I passed this bar on my way back to the BnB after the conference. The area around St. Paul’s is charming. It reminds me of York.
