Party time

I began the day with a walk to Parliament, passing Westminster Abbey on the way. Here are three British icons: Westminster Abbey, a double decker, and 007.

Two more icons.

I worked Friday, but also took a nap in preparation for the big night. I took a selfie after getting all dolled up--this is my Cruella look.

The party was in the Great Hall at the ICE building--the Institution of Civil  Engineers. There was a lovely Christmas tree in the foyer.

We had drinks in the Brunel Room, named for Isambard Kingdom Brunel, "one of the most ingenious and prolific figures in engineering history," according to Wikipedia. Then upstairs to the Great Hall, where our outgoing CEO, Fiona Reynolds, gave a moving speech about her nine years at PRI. Below is the ceiling of the Great Hall.  The ICE members don't mess around.

Party people in the house. It was fun meeting people whom I have seen only on Zoom. I also got to catch up with people who have left PRI whom I knew pre-Covid. It was interesting to hear about their experiences. I think it is hard to find places in the private sphere where you feel like you can have as much impact as at PRI.

I had this photo taken for mom--the photographer encouraged me to be dramatic, so here goes:

My hotel was only a 5 minute walk from the venue, however the walk back was torture. My shoes had chunk heels--a friend said they don't count as heels. I told her, at my age, they COUNT. When I got in bed, my feet hurt so bad I couldn't fall asleep. I danced A LOT. Making up for years and years and years of not dancing. No swing dancing for a few years and my clubbing days are so far in the past I don't even know if my attempts at dancing should be embarrassing? I just enjoyed myself. I don't have to face these people in the office every day, so what do I care? Bottom line, it was a great party. Lots of lovely people to chat to, really good vegetarian food, and some good music. It was a great send off for Fiona, who is well loved and respected in financial circles.

Nov. 26