Parkersburg, WV

The trip over was unremarkable. I always am amazed when I reach my final destination on queue because so many things can go wrong. Not long after I traveled, 2000 flights were canceled due to cold weather.

I wrapped one batch of presents for nephews and nieces and took it to the PO with lots of cards to US friends. I wrapped batch two of presents for mom. Then wrapped and delivered batch three for neighbours, having catch ups with Sandi, Sandy, Nancy  and Hema. Then the cold hit – a bomb cyclone, whatever that is.

Christmas was very cold. Two days of temperatures around -22F, with the wind chill. When it warmed up to -14F I took our neighbours' dog for a walk, after borrowing mom's down coat.

Our time has been spent cooking, eating, reading, watching TV. I watched The Glass Onion (mom fell asleep), Matilda (with the fabulous Emma Thompson), a documentary about Queen Elizabeth and Princess Maragaret (mom slept through this as well), and I've seen an episode of the new All Creatures Great and Small and one of Paul Hollywood driving luxury Italian cars.

I've had phone chats with Bobbi and Catherine. I have left messages for more friends and hope to have more catch ups.

We have had two shopping outings--Gabe's before Christmas and Home Goods and Ross Dress for Less yesterday. I now officially can't fit so much as a golf ball in my suitcase. After a rigourous water aerobics class with a new teacher and more time in the kitchen than usual (making cakes to take to friends), mom wrenched her knee and has been hobbling about painfully. She has made some improvement since Christmas and we hope her trip to Ireland won't be uncomfortable.  

27 Dec.