Park Run pals

This weekend I made a list of 40 things that need doing. I got through 19 over two days, and I'm happy with that, given two long walks per day with Paddy. Saturday's morning walk was at Stormont with neighbours who walk their dog while Park Run is on. During the course of my chats I was invited to see a play at The Lyric with a group of neighbours in March and to go to Habitat for Humanity's ball in May. What great neighbours I have! We ended our walk at a picnic bench with thermoses of coffee, scones, cream, and jam. Christine the dentist took this photo of me and another neighbour.

My biggest accomplishment of the weekend was unpacking two large moving boxes full of my mother's china. It had been packed away for more than five years. As I made my 20th trip up many stairs to the attic, I decided she had too many cups, saucers, bowls, saucers, dinner plates, lunch plates, and butter plates. I have made a first pass at filling the new book case. There is no rail on the shelves to support plates sitting upright so I will have to install a rail of some kind (a semicircular dowel rod will do). Then I'll fill the shelves again. The important thing is I'm liking the book case-turned-china cupboard in the dining room. Partly because it balances out the very tall fireplace and mirror in the living room. I'm in London ATM or I'd take a photo and include it here. I'm also enjoying putting all the Belleek together that I've bought in recent months.

Feb. 23 & 24