
My days now go back and forth between working for Climate Action and entertaining a small puppy. I walk Paddy three times a day and try to fit in 7-8 hours of work in between the walks.
Friday night’s treat was to go with friends to a pantomime at Gilnahirk Presbyterian Church. It was called Robinella and Cinderhood, and it was as silly as it sounds. It’s very corny but some of the actors were quite good. I’m amazed at the size of the cast--dozens of people (dozens more doing sets, makeup, costumes). I wonder if anyone at the church isn’t involved.
Panto has a bad reputation here--people groan about the obligatory call and response between the cast and the audience (Oh no he didn’t! Oh yes he did!). But I found the whole thing an act of love--the people involved spent months on this and it was fun to see them perform in front of the sold out crowd at the church hall.
Dec. 12-14