Palm House

As promised, I went back to the Palm House today to try to capture some of the lovely plants.

One wing is devoted to coleus hybrids.

Lots of varieties.

The purple ones looked like velvet.

Victorian venting in the floor.

The other wing was mostly bromeliads. This photo does not do justice to the Dr. Zeuss-like weirdness of this plant.

Two birds of paradise.

I didn’t take a photo of the Palm House from outside so I’m grabbing this one off the internet:

I was in the city for a haircut, after which I visited my friend Ann O’Dwyer. She leaves next week for Myanmar to do an audit for a charity. Myanmar is in perpetual crisis over its abuse of the Rohingya people and is currently subjecting them to forceful resettlement from Bangladesh, to which they’d fled after a few rounds of ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. I would really rather Ann not be so bloody adventurous. But I admire her dedication to helping charities do their work in the most transparent and ethical way possible.