Paddy on St. Paddy’s day

It's strange being in a city after the parade is over. But that's what I did. I needed a new charger for my Mac, so I had to go to the Apple store. I shopped at St. George's Market and went into two clothes stores trying (unsuccessfully) to find a new dress. I missed the parade and was OK with that. As I get older, I'm less inclined to force myself into noisy crowds to attend Big Events. I used to feel I was Missing Out by not joining in, but now I am more likely to keep to the quiet byroads where I am most content.  

The city was looking lovely in early spring sunshine. At St. George's Market, I bought a lovely Belleek owl and a St. Paddy's scarf for my own wee Paddy.

On my trips to London, I'm aware how old and tired my wardrobe is. A new spring dress wouldn't go amiss. But I didn't see anything I liked. I tried on two things that looked good on the hanger but not on me. I find shopping terribly frustrating. I don't enjoy it and it annoyed me to spend a Sunday afternoon unproductively.

March 17