Overdrive, part two

Another week of foot-to-the-floor activity. During the day Mon-Thur, I struggled through a 32 page paper on the private debt market, arguing with the author over what should and should not be in the executive summary. Fun times.

I played social golf after work Monday and in a foursomes competition after work Tuesday (38 points, one point shy of second place). Wednesday was Ten X 9, a wonderful night of story telling. Nine people tell true stories in 10 minutes. This month's theme was journey. My favourite was a guy who was given a donkey named Muffin at age 1, beginning a lifelong love of donkeys. At age 6, he was given a pony that came with a donkey, Denis. He and Denis got on much better than he and the pony. Long story short, he now has 25 donkeys and runs various therapy programs. He started during Covid, charging people 5 pounds to come and ride the donkeys, pet them, feed them, whatever they wanted. Now he gets NHS contracts for working with people with mental health issues. He spoke movingly of how the donkeys saved him and of how much he loves them.

Thursday Patricia and I went to hear a talk by Alain Le Garsmeur, a photojournalist who has worked all over the world. He has an exhibit of more than 200 photos in the gallery where he spoke. His photos from 1970s Harlem were harrowing, including of police brutality against an unarmed black man in a cell. He believes the police beat the man to 'show off' for the photographer.

Friday was golf at 10 am then haircut at 11:45 am then a nice long chat with my friend Eddis. Nothing Friday evening – glorious. Saturday I had a nice breakfast in Camphill cafe after running Paddy round a forest. Lunch was at the Banana Block with my friend Ali – it was Canada Day and the Belfast Giants, our hockey team, were there with three massive trophies. I'm told more than half the team is Canadian. A lot of Ulster Scots would have emigrated to Canada – historically and in more modern times – so the connection is tight. Ali and I enjoyed some amazing food, then home, walk the dog, to the golf course in time for another foursomes competition at 4pm. Tuesday's was the weekly competition while Saturday was the second round of the Maureen Edwards Cup. We lost on the 17th hole to last year's winners, a pair who have played together for years and have an amazing short game.

Today, Sunday, I plan to go to a tea dance, followed by having over for dinner a couple who will be watching Paddy while I'm in England. I will revisit this post to add a photo if I remember to take one today!

26 June - 2 July