Out to Lunch

I’ve ignored the last six or seven festivals in Belfast because I haven’t had time to focus on them (film, music, human rights, C.S. Lewis--there’s always a festival on).
I sat down today and looked at the 54 events that comprise the Out to Lunch festival. Each description is very enticing. I narrowed the list to 10, although I could easily have picked 20. I looked at the website and found many where sold out or conflicted with other obligations. I ended up getting four tickets. Here’s an event that looks very funny but was sold out:
Join spiritual guru Kevin McAleer for a life-changing hour of living fully in the moment, with meditation, mindfulness, deep breathing, tai chi, yoga, bee venom therapy, psychic flower arranging, singing with dolphins and digital photography.
Universally acknowledged as Tyrone’s leading Zen Buddhist saint, he trained for thirty years under the legendary Deepjoy Chakra in Peru, before founding the Institute of Light in Strabane in 1972.
McAleer will be signing copies of his bestselling How to Turn your Negative Voices into Imaginary Friends, which has been translated into more than 37,ooo languages worldwide. Wear loose clothing.