On the road again...

This morning I drove back across the state to Fort Myers airport. I stopped and took a picture of Lake Okeechobee. My photo was crap so here’s one from the internet:

It’s 40 miles across at its widest. During the drive, mom was very amused by the egrets that hang out with the cows in all the ranch lands. I’d seen this in South America, so it wasn’t as novel to me.
After a suitable period of boredom in Fort Myers, we flew to Columbus then reclaimed our car from a car park and I drove two hours home. We stopped once for burritos--when some kind of football game was on that everyone was excited about, super something. :-) I was dog tired by the time we got back to Parkersburg. The vacation was jam-packed, a social vacation, not a restful one. But mom really enjoyed it, so hopefully the balance of the winter will be more bearable.