Omar Sy. Sigh.

In the evenings, my mind is fried so I try to get away from my desk. Last night I went to see the movie Samba, starring the incredibly handsome Omar Sy. Oh to see his smile in person.

I saw him first in Intouchables, the wonderful French film about a guy from the projects who reluctantly becomes a caregiver to a wealthy paraplegic. Omar played the caregiver and the amazing Francois Cluzet was the paraplegic. In Samba, Omar is an undocumented worker in France living with his uncle. He ends up in a detention centre and Charlotte Gainsbourg is his caseworker. It is an unflinching look at the dangerous life of undocumented workers in a foreign land. It has its light moments but it is a much tougher and darker film than Intouchables.

I think what makes Omar so appealing as an actor is the absorption on his face when he talks to other people. He is ALL there. While he has a very hard life, he is nonetheless compassionate and present with everyone he meets. Well almost everyone. I highly recommend both films.