Oh THAT’S how it works

In my Balmoral madness, I forgot my weekend highlight. I spent Saturday morning at the driving range being tutored by one of Northern Ireland’s best female golfers, who happens to be in my choir. She’s a retired teacher so she’s not only an excellent golfer but also an excellent coach. I learned what is wrong with my swing and I hope to practice enough to make something out of what she taught me. I think I have potential as a golfer, but I also thought I had potential in a lot of other things that I failed to reach my potential in. As I ponder the meaning of “potential,” I’m thinking of Inigo Montoya: "I don’t think that word means what you think it means."

My friend, Violet, is the lady captain at Belvoir Park Golf Club, where they had a fundraiser Saturday night to benefit her favourite charity and the men’s captain’s chosen charity. One of the items auctioned was a flag from Kiawah (South Carolina) donated by Rory McIlroy, who is an honorary member of Belvoir and who won his second tournament at Kiawah.

Is it time for Balmoral bunnies yet?

I thought this bunny was fetching:

Black bunny:

Gray bunnies:

The Balmoral show was mobbed, sections of it were hard to navigate because of the crush of people. I tried to find attendance figures but only found that 90,000 attended last year over three days. Part of the attraction is the competition for best in class within different species. Here are some results for those keeping score at home.