Not a prayer

I went to Derry this afternoon for a quick weekend visit to Julie and her family. I saw this poster a few times on my trip:

I thought it was funny that the prayer gathering would be at Nutts Corner. I’m a religious sceptic--sceptical about prayer and about to whom people are praying. I read a description once of process theology that seemed to capture my stance on the Big Stuff. I don’t like to see one religion elevated above another, and Christianity is full of “we’ve got all the answers” and “we must spread the good word” language. I think all peoples look for help in staying on the path of a moral and humble life--it’s just different tribes have settled on different answers and rituals. I’ve found it hard to settle into any one set of beliefs--yet I’m not resigned to no belief. It’s a tough path to walk in Northern Ireland, where religion is doled out with a heavy hand. I haven’t found the non-subscribing Presbyterians as a good replacement for Unitarian Universalism. Partly because of the hymns that make no sense to me (and are late 19th Century Christian era). And the bible readings. And a minister who I’m not that keen on. So Sunday mornings have been free all summer and I doubt I’ll go back in the fall.

So here’s what I found online about the prayer meeting:
"On the 9th September, thousands of people from all over Ireland will gather at Nutts Corner to pray for the healing of our land. This day is for all who believe that our island has a desperate need for healing, renewal and reconciliation. Not only is there a political vacuum in our country, but also a massive spiritual and emotional void in our people (editor’s note: so far so good). Our political impasse reflects quite graphically the personal crisis and despair of so many hearts. Over the years, so much has been tried to find a long-term solution to our problems, but answers have eluded us. Where do we turn now (editor’s note: I’m intrigued)?

"Some will say that the last thing we need is more religion – ‘Did that not help to get us into this monumental mess?’ The 9th September is not about sectarian religion that divides, but is about the Spirit of God uniting ordinary people in truth. It is a call to all who sense that there is more to Christianity than we have experienced in much of our history. We need God to do something new and fresh among us! (editor’s note: now you’ve lost me. I don’t expect God to do the work of mortals).

"It is time for those who believe our only answer is found in answer to prayer to unite together, petitioning God in Jesus’ name for real transformation.”

Among religions, I reserve special disdain for evangelicals. My guess is they will be running this show. There are many evangelical churches here that fan the flames of homophobia, climate denialism, and other things that piss me off. I don’t think Northern Ireland’s salvation lies in praying for transformation in Jesus's name. The Nutts Corner team have already made the hindus, muslims, atheists, and jews the “other” in this scheme, so they’re not off to a great start in my book. This event will not save N.I. any more than a bible tent revival will save America from Trump. Decades of work by the preacher man laid the groundwork for Trump among the beaten-down, resentful, victimised masses who wanted a saviour. Well you’ve got him. Good luck.