Nolan's Christmas

I met up with Nolan in the park this morning. I brought him back a box of cigars and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. He said the last time he bought cigars in the U.S., he paid $40 for what would have cost $160 here (at current exchange rate). His mother died two weeks ago, so I'm glad I cheered him up.

Nolan's wife has MS and is completely dependent on him. Between caring for her and visiting his mother daily, he has had a full plate. He is also frequent caregiver to his grandkids.

He and his wife had planned to have some ham and salad on Christmas. Then his son, who worked until 2 p.m. Christmas at a care home (we would call it a nursing home), asked if Nolan could collect him for dinner (no public transport on holidays). Then Nolan's grandson said he wanted to come to Nolan's for Christmas, rather than stay with his mother and her mother. Once that was agreed, Nolan started cooking. He made:
Turkey, ham, sausage, and bacon. Potatoes, carrots, parsnips, brussel sprouts roasted in goose fat. And prawn cocktail to start, with shrimp he bought on Christmas Eve. When I walk Maysie in the morning, I'm pretty hungry. I didn't get around to asking Nolan what was for dessert because I was feeling weak at the thought of a full meal. David is still in the U.S., so I'm reduced to pasta-in-an-envelope and PB&J sandwiches.