No pain, no gain

I’ve been to the pool twice this week and I’m absolutely loving the feeling of getting back in shape. I feel like swimming allows all the muscles, tendons, fascia, bones etc. to get knitted together properly, leaving a body not as vulnerable to injury as when the connective tissue is loose.

I was run over by a Land Rover in 2008 while I was cycling, crushing my legs. The most painful time was in bed each night, when my legs were on fire with pain. My bones were deeply bruised and I learned that the night-time pain was associated with the healing process. When you sleep is when the bones heal. I found that very comforting, as I grit my teeth each night.

I was thinking about this as I swam. After the accident and now, I’m trying to get Humpty Dumpty put back together again, not a painless process. But hopefully with a payoff.

Just like at Bangor, the showers run for only 14 seconds and then turn off. You have to keep pushing a knob to get the shower to come on again. I love that. At the Y in Pennsylvania, I used to go around turning off all the dripping or running showers that people had left on. Drove me nuts. It’s so much easier to save water by having a regulator.