
Wednesday was the Pro Bono Choir at Stormont, made up of members of the Northern Ireland bar and legal society.

Thursday was golf at Belvoir Park, where I did the women into golf programme in 2017-2019. I had never played the full 18 holes until today b/c I was so bad! Nine holes was exhausting back then.

Friday was dinner at my house for three friends followed by Victoria Geelan at a jazz club. Victoria sings the music of Nina Simone. Table centrepiece:

And Victoria, with a very good back up group from Derry.

Saturday was the usual chores. And Sunday golf with Patricia.

I leaned toward her and said "Pretend like you like me," and she does this:

In recent weeks I have tackled several items of longstanding on the list of things to do. I've cleaned nine very moldy and dusty window sills. I've vacuumed cornices and picture rail mouldings throughout the house. I've seen a doctor about my rosacea (too much sun on the golf course!). And I've seen my PT about my knees – he says no sign of arthritis and the exercises have succeeded in making my hips stronger. I just need to work more on stretching calves and hamstrings. He thinks I'll be running again! Very happy to hear this as I have been hesitant to push it with my cranky knees.

Who does not get a high from tackling the things you have for so long avoided? It's a great feeling.

7-11 June