New Year’s Resolutions

... clearly didn't include: keep up with blog. LOL

My main goal is to get back in shape. Before I got Paddy, I stopped swimming because I didn't like the pool where I swam. After I got him, I stopped running, hiking and swing dancing. The result is I'm unfit and vulnerable to injury. A shoulder injury from last September still hasn't healed. In addition, occasional pains in my back, hip, or knee--the usual high mileage stuff. Step one is get this shoulder sorted. Step two is get back in the pool--a new pool has opened that is friendlier to lap swimmers. Step three is fit running into the schedule as well as swimming--tricky with a full time job and Paddy. But absolutely necessary to my physical and mental well being.

So here are some photos from a Jan. 12 walk on the coastal path from Crawfordsburn to Bangor and back, with Paddy in the water every chance he got.

Tired now.

Jan. 12