Haystack needle, Part 2

I’ve taken a week off blogging in my attempt to stay focused on my job search. To give you an idea of how tedious the search is, I spent parts of three days on one application. The job is with the Public Interest Litigation Support Project, whose office is about two miles from my house. I had to fill out a 10-page online form with information about my education, work experience, references, etc. Heaven forbid I submit the resume that already has all of that info. I also had to answer 12 questions including:

Please give evidence of your experience, knowledge and understanding of issues of rights, equality and social justice.

Please give evidence of your knowledge of Northern Ireland’s legal system.

Please give evidence of excellent oral and written communication skills.

Please give evidence of your commitment to work in a non-partisan way with all sections of society.

Please give evidence of your commitment to issues of rights, equality and social justice.
(I wanted to answer: Well, I’ve made it to page eight without quitting this bloody application--that’s commitment!).

I won’t get this job because I don’t have the necessary legal qualification (one year of experience post legal degree), but I tried anyway. Such is the futility of job hunting when you are an experienced financial writer who doesn’t want to write about finance and you are an inexperienced human rights/climate change advocate who wants to work in the field of human rights/climate change.
