Needle in a haystack

That is what my job search is looking like.

I am not qualified for the vast majority of jobs at the organisations I’m targeting. For instance, I don’t want to oversee an agriculture program in Yemen for Oxfam or a micro loan program in Cambodia. Nor do I wish to be a benefits consultant at Mercer, which does very good work on climate change and investments, but also a lot of other stuff. I also couldn’t pass as a financial analyst at the Bank of England, also a place doing very good climate change risk analysis.

When I find jobs for which I am qualified, I quickly become disqualified for three main reasons:

  1. If it’s an NGO, I don’t have a background working for NGOs, which appears to be essential.
  2. If it involves legal work related to human rights, I’m not a lawyer and don’t have the necessary legal knowledge. The masters was a pretty broad-brush instrument.
  3. I disqualify myself. For instance, there are a lot of writing jobs working for Responsible, for instance, or Law360. These jobs are fast-paced with constant deadlines. I don’t see myself churning out three articles a day, five days a week. Leave that to the 20-year-olds. And then there are the jobs I could do but they represent the very thing I want to get away from, supporting status quo capitalism, not the shift to a sustainable economy.

No one said changing careers and countries simultaneously would be easy.