
They never tell you that your nails are the first to go. I’ve had a split nail for many years on one of my middle fingers. As in there’s a permanent split that requires me to keep the nail trimmed down very low. Now I have two more nails doing the same thing. Is it a vitamin deficiency? Or age-related atrophy? I guess a person could have worse complaints.

Today we went to another garden scheme, where a private garden is opened to the public as a fundraiser for the National Trust. Primrose is a very popular flower here and it grows wild along the banks of creeks and rivers. This property had a garden leading down to a river. Along the path was candlestick primrose, which I think is fetching.

The stacked tiers of flowers radiating from the stem make me stop and wonder at the ability of cultivar cultivators to tease such quirky attributes out of a humble flower.
Here’s the garden on the walk to the river:

Lots of columbine, hellebores, forget me nots, double clematis, wild geranium, all kinds of goodies.