My turn

Tuesday was Pretty in Pink day--our weekly golf competition doubled as a fundraiser for breast cancer. I played with Ali and Paula (on the right). Paula is my golf coach's wife and it is interesting to watch her play because she does everything I'm supposed to do. And hits the ball a country mile. She had a giant pink wig that looked like cotton candy, but it wouldn't fit in the frame.

Wednesday I soldiered through with projects in Webvision--formatting content for the web. I have to work in html, which is very frustrating. I took breaks to admire himself.

I was meant to swim on Wednesday but wasn't feeling great, so had a down day (no run, swim, golf).

I felt crappy on Thursday too. Took a lateral flow test and it came back positive. I had a sense of inevitability about catching Covid--so many people I know have it. I think my downfall was golf at the club on Sunday. Afterward, I stayed for dinner. I hired someone to walk Paddy on Sundays so I can have dinner at the golf club--so much easier than cooking when I'm tired. However, there were dozens of men at the club watching a football match. The air was probably rife with the virus.  

And now it's Friday. I feel like I have a cold. Congestion, lack of energy, a bit of a cough. Hopefully it doesn't progress beyond that. I am off today and Monday--a rare treat. I had hoped to do a mixture of house/garden chores and fun things (see a film, go to a National Trust garden). However I need to isolate. Hopefully I can be fairly productive b/c the list of house chores is quite long. Golf on Sundays has undermined my ability to keep up with my endless to-do list.

April 15