My heart will go on...

Today was the kind of day I don't enjoy. Too many things to do so nothing is done right. First thing was drive into Queens (in a lot of traffic) to meet with my dissertation advisor. Bottom line is she isn't concerned that I haven't made any progress on my dissertation.
Next up, mom and I visited the Titanic Museum. She really enjoyed it, so that was worth the trip. I feel frazzled by the time I leave there. Every corridor has multiple things going on--interactive displays, loud recordings, wall displays, moving images on the floor and the walls. It makes my head hurt. Here's a first class cabin.

It doesn't help that your parting impression is Celine Dion belting out the song of this post's title. You learn a lot about the shipyard, so when we left, I couldn't resist this shot of the Harland and Wolff cranes and the oil rig currently in for service.

Then home and I sanded 18 steps in preparation for painting. Then back into city traffic to meet David for dinner. Today is his birthday, so we had dinner near Queen's then walked down to the Lyric to see a play: My Fair Ladies, about the many loves of George Bernard Shaw. It was a one-man play starring the amazing 80-year-old who wrote it, Des Keogh. Then home and I spackled all the holes and missing bits of wood on 18 steps and risers. I don't know what time Ryan the runner guy is coming tomorrow, so I need to paint first thing tomorrow.