Musical tables

This post is mainly for my mom’s benefit. She missed her calling as an interior decorator. When I make major changes to the decor, I try to get input either beforehand or, in this case, afterward.
Living room before. Tables on either end of the sofa from my mom, who bought them when she lived in Ireland.

Living room after. Table on left purchased at auction, table at right a tilt top purchased in Pennsylvania.

Before: I wasn’t keen on this table in this location because it was too shallow relative to the sofa. Most of the rectangular tables I saw at auction had the same problem.

After: So I went with a round table, which allows the lamp to better serve the sofa.

Before: I wasn’t keen on the Sutherland table here because I thought it was undersized for this corner.

After: The tilt top is taller and more robust.

Before: The tilt top previously was in the alcove by the fire.

After: Now home to the other mahogany table and the clock (also from mom) that had been in the dining room.

Before: I also was never keen on this blue chair sitting between the living and dining rooms.

After: It has been replaced by a set of three nesting tables. Maybe not ideal, aesthetically, but very handy when you have visitors and are serving tea and buns. Which I actually did today when a new neighbour stopped by. The next design challenge is replacing the drop leaf on the right. I want something taller that reaches up closer to the middle painting. So far, nothing has taken my fancy.

So here’s a view of the living room from the right side of the room.

And one from the left.

I should say I spent hours cleaning before taking these photos. Paddy has made a wreck of the house. David gets home from the states tomorrow and I thought I should try to get the floors clean.
Nov. 10