Musical chairs

Remember the study? I picked the colours for the room long ago and got the painting work done. After weeks of my trying and failing to find someone to hang the wallpaper, David and I hung it a few weeks ago. We put the shelves in the room that I bought specifically for the room. We put them where I thought they would go--and I didn’t like them catercorner to each other. So one of the shelves went where I had wanted the leather chair to go. I wasn’t totally happy with the furniture arrangement, so I didn’t hang the diplomas. A few weeks later, today, I had my friends David and Stuart over. David watches a lot of reality TV shows about decorating houses and he has a lot of opinions. They very kindly rearranged furniture with me four times. You wouldn’t think in such a small room there could be so many ways to arrange a chair, two shelving units, and a trunk. But there are. They indulged my need to see the chair here, then there, then a third place. We finally settled on an arrangement that made sense and hung the diplomas.

I will have to come back at a later time and insert photos. For now I will say that I love the outcome. And good bloody job as it was a lot of work and a lot of money.