GOT country

After I finished a four-mile loop at Fairhead, I drove to Murlough Bay, which I have always wanted to visit. I parked quite high above the bay and walked down, a decision I later regretted. I came upon a cross marking the spot where Roger Casement wanted to be buried. Casement was executed by the British and denied a martyr’s burial in Ireland, where he was caught running guns during the war for independence. Casement was English but turned on the English after seeing brutality in its colonies in Africa and then in Ireland.

Bloody GOT everywhere you go.

I guess they like the remote locations.

Kind of interesting juxtaposition: Casement, who was a (gay) man of derring-do, negotiating with Germans to supply guns to Irish rebels, rowing said guns ashore, paying with his life for his convictions. And GOT, glorified gory fantasy.