Muckross House

Today we had horrible weather so we decamped from Dingle to Killarney. I took only one photo today, at the same beach I shot two days ago. This time I stuck myself in it.

The wind was whipping with gusto. So I drove back to Killarney and we had a peak at a few shops in town then on to Muckross House in Killarney National Park. First we had lunch then toured the house. No photos allowed. Built around 1840 by a family who fell on hard times after a visit from Queen Victoria (partly due to overextending in preparation for her visit, partly due to the famines and poor investments). Arthur Guinness bought it and rented it as a hunting lodge. A wealthy Americn bought it off Guinness and gave it to his daughter as a wedding present. She died in her 40s and her father and husband donated the property, with extensive grounds, to the Irish government, creating the first national park.

From there to our lodgings, the nearby Muckross Park Hotel, where hot towels awaited us to wipe away our arduous day of tourism. Ensconced in luxury, we had a lovely meal and then checked in on the Irish music and dancing in the pub next door.

Aug. 21