Morning glory
I got out for golf twice this week--the weekly competition on Tuesday and early morning Friday. My shoulder is painful if I use my arms at certain angles, for instance trying to lift something above my head. But a golf swing doesn't hurt. Keeping in mind that I have slowed my swing and made it shorter. I've been to the golf guru and he said I need to focus on control not distance. Very good advice, as it turns out.
Here was the course this morning:
I still am surprised by how much I like golf--given a lifetime of dissing it as boring. It is anything but. I think there are six distinct skill sets required. Teeing off. Fairway shots. Approaching the green from 50-60 yards. Approaching the green from 5-10 yards. Putting. And bunker shots. I have a long way to go to be competent in all of these areas. And while I'm at it, I'm outside, in a lovely place, with nice people.
My sporting life, in chronological order, with lots of overlaps: track and field (100m, 200m); riding horses (showjumping); rugby; 5Ks; swimming; whitewater kayaking; cycling; hiking; swing dance, golf. I'm trying very hard to return to running but my Achilles tendon isn't cooperating. I haven't been able to swim because the pools have been closed for more than a year. I've booked a hiking holiday in June, so the goal is to at least get fit for hiking.
April 23