More mature than I realised

I joined my local leisure centre on Friday (weight room, pool, badminton, fitness classes). Today I had an appointment to be shown the gym equipment by a young man, making sure I knew how to work the exercise bike, weight machines, etc. I filled out a form at the beginning and he asked me what my goal was. Helpfully, he asked if I were trying to keep up with my grandchildren, for instance.


I found this both hilarious and horrifying. I wanted to say "I’m here to train for an Olympic-distance triathlon, fool.” I think I was just shocked that he thought I looked like a grandmother. As someone who had been dancing to rap music a few nights prior, I certainly don’t feel like a grandmother. And I really would like to do an Olympic triathlon, but my guess is that has slipped out of my reach.

Sigh. The gym was mostly filled with older men, the kind you think have been sent there by the doctor after a heart attack. The gym employee was probably 24. I guess I’m just another old fogey to him.